Colouricious Block Printing - Cards No 1

Here's the first of my card videos for Colouricious.
I've made a series of 6.
People tend to think wood blocks are only used to print patterns, usually on fabric.

I am hoping this series will also give you a few ideas of what you can do on paper and card!

Each video is slightly more difficult than the last, so if you are a complete beginner, this will guide you through fairly painlessly, lol

TIP: It's easy to use gesso or acylic paints with wood blocks - just apply with a sponge. Cleanup is simple: use a nail brush, a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and some warm water, and scrub! Rinse in clean water and allow the block to dry naturally, carved side down on a dishrack. Or on its side.

I hope you enjoy the video, and have fun trying these techniques for your own cards.
