Here are more of the planner divider pages, which I've personalised. I've added pockets, tags etc - it's amazing what a difference it makes!
July - top layer lifts up to show a pocket underneath
I made a video showing how to make two of the pockets (this is my first one for ages, so please make allowances).
Sorry about the occasional background noise - although some distance
away, we're under the Heathrow flightpath, so there is some muted plane
noise, as the windows were open.
Month by month...
January - lace edge (see how to do this in my previous post)
February - 2 cut pockets, layered one on top of the other
March - a curved secretarial pocket with ribbon, distressing hand-drawn scribble edge & crosses
April - library pocket and little journal tags (American Crafts I think)
May - curved secretarial pocket, Washi tape flags & buttons, hand-drawn scribble lines & crosses
June - calendar page as a tag holder on top of a library pocket. Tags inserted.
July - tag pocket with brads at the corner
August - 2 curved secretarial pockets, Washi tape accents, a paper clip with bow (I made)
September - pocket & metallic paper clip
October - tall pocket with paper flower & quote (WRMK)
November - library pocket with Journal tags (American Crafts?)
December - diagonally cut pocket edged with Washi tape, decoupaged branch and a touch of glitter
I've really enjoyed doing this - great fun, not difficult, and a great place to stash all sorts of bits & pieces.
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