Personalising my Planner and a video

Even though I'm none to sure which planner format I enjoy the most, I've decided to go ahead and personalise the A5 Filofax one anyway, and start personalising!

Here's a little video I made (still photos are further down this post, after the break).

This is the planner I've been working in:

I added a clear heart danglie to the elastic closure by opening the jump ring with pliers, then closing again for a secure join.

And tucked stickers, sticky notes and paper clips in the pockets. I ordered a rather lovely laminated landing page from Royal Planner on Etsy plus stickers etc from Reset Girl (you can get these in the UK - try Amazon and Etsy).

Make sure you cut the right page, not the one with the tab on it! As you can see, there's a diary section, which I wasn't expecting - I really wanted just a divider, so have turned these all into pockets.

I bought Carpe Diem tabbed page dividers, only to discover they have diary squares (I thought it would be one thick piece of card) so as I already had all the diary I could possibly need, I've altered these, adding library pockets and tags to two of them. The others I've cut and made into pockets.

Cut the second (back) page, not the tabbed one! This cut section will form the pocket and glue to the back of the other page, to make a nice stiff divider, with the usefulness of more storage.

Choose some lace and Washi tape. If you're going to alter something, make it pretty! Just make sure everything lies flat.

Glue the lace to the pocket edge, using Tacky glue or fabric glue. This needs to be securely stuck down, as it won't be easy to repair if things start to come loose later, and makes sure lace etc won't catch on things.

The Washi tape covering the edge of the lace on the inside is to stop things catching in the pocket. You'll be constantly putting items in and pulling them out, so this needs to be smooth.

Glue the top corner section in place, directly onto the back of the tabbed page. Add Washi to stop fingers catching etc, when in use.

Showing the finished result.

A very nice size, plenty of space for adding tags, photos etc. It's always good to have somewhere to add ephemera & memorabilia etc.

Project Life (I think...) library pocket and journal tags. These could stash back in the pocket, or be stuck down onto certain days and dates I want to remember.

Project Life (?) library pocket and journal tags - I decided to put these on the November section, and do something Christmassy for December. 

So far, so good...
