FASHION POLICE Journal pages

I haven't posted any new journal stuff for a while, so I thought you'd like to see what I've been working on...

This is a huge A4 journal I've called 'Fashion Police'. It's kind of a commentary on fashionistas etc, a little tongue-in-cheek.

These pages were created with stencils and sprays - then I saw these shapes in the colours, and these figures more or less drew themselves! I've used charcoal pencil and a white acrylic paint pen to create these.

Another shape I saw in the pages. I drew the face, then painted out the rest of the background. The flowers are loosely drawn with acrylics on sheet music, and cut out. They are actually quite dimensional although the photo doesn't really show t

The two pix below show a window on the right-hand page. The first pix shows them closed, the bottom one shows them open.


 I'll be scanning more shortly, and post them ASAP. Hope you like them!
