Finally catching up

UPcycled journal with original covers (1930s), page wraps with pockets and an eclectic mix of papers

View of the stitching - over tapes - on the spine
Well folks, it's been the marathon redecorating session from hell - taken me over 6 weeks to redecorate a 1-bed flat! I've been beset with problems: insect bites that became infected (3 visits to Casualty plus antibiotics - then I became allergic to the antihistamine cream and ended up on steroids) etc etc. I won't bore you...

In the meantime, I've managed to finish this book and also put it (and some other artwork) onto eBay, so fingers crossed someone will love it and give it a new home.

There's an eclectic mix of papers: vintage text in English and French, some vintage sheet music, 1940s street maps of London, plus plain papers (Daler Rowney heavyweight acid free cartridge paper)

I adore making books, and have around 7 journals already on the go - so some HAVE to go for sale as there's only so much room in our place.

The signature wraps are quite stiff, a very heavyweight flecked grey - almost a card - with a half circle punched out to give access to a pocket, and tabs at the back, to make the sections easy to find.

I've been massively decluttering, redecorating and restyling, so lots of things are going - including a little crystal chandelier!
I've also turned up the bottoms of some of the longer pages to make more pocket sections. These can be slit if you don't want them, or pasted for strength, have envelopes tipped in - lots of opportunities for personalisation!

Meantime, a little gentle stitching of journals has provided rest and relaxation - and such a nice change from being covered with eggshell paint!

This is a sweet little book, which I've really enjoyed making, and I hope it inspires some great artwork

Hope you like it!
