JOY - copyright Susie Jefferson |
Here's a journal spread I had a great time with.
Albert Einstein page - the titling is silver metallic pen, outlined with a black Sharpie |
Albert Einstein and the Dalai Lama - two of the wisest and most influential people on the planet, yet always laughing!
The Dalai Lama page - the quotations are cut from scrapbooking paper, then drawn round with pencil |
Which just goes to prove that the greatest gift in life is a capacity for joy (my own quotation) and that laughter is indeed the best medicine (not my own quotation, lol) .
I sprayed and painted the background with various colours of acrylic - really went for the strongest contrast possible. The cloud is white acrylic, applied while the spray was still wet so that the colour mixed. The lettering is dark blue India ink (waterproof) and an old fashioned dip pen. I wrote very loosely, then went back and painted the loops of the letter with bright red. The little white dots around the page edges were made with Ranger's Inkessential white pen (opaque).
I particularly liked these images - they both look so happy!
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