The entire spread - the right-hand page is shorter than the left (I mixed the papers) so you can see some other papers behind, in case you were wondering why it seems to have a brownish border. It's actually some very vintage text paper.

I thought you might like to see what I've been up to... I've been doing (and teaching) art journaling, and constructed a handmade journal from recycled covers and pages: a total mix-up of vintage text, art paper, sheet music, scrapbook paper etc - which I'll photograph and show in another post.
Closeup of the left-hand page - the turquoise lines are metallic ink, the white letters are a Posca poster paint marker, outlined in black. The spotty background is napkin tissue, and I've added some bunting cut from scrapbooking paper and painted with acrylics, then drew back in with a graphite pencil

Meanwhile, this is one of the journal pages I created to show some hand lettering examples. I found the photo in a magazine (an advert for something I think) which I'd saved for a while - and the page kind of made itself.
The right-hand page, featuring some more bunting (under the vintage clip art photo) and some ricrac braid, a chipboard heart which I painted and hand-lettered, and brush lettering for the title (acrylic paint)

It reminded me of an ideal childhood, when the sun was always shining, the birds were always singing, and the Summer holidays seemed endless. Picnics on the lawn, pretty cotton dresses trimmed with lace, sparkling white ankle socks... and those ghastly Clarks sandals that made your feet look like boats, that all our parents forced us into (with crepe soles that picked up every bit of gravel).

Those were the days (sigh....)
