'QUEENIE' and 'REMEMBER WHEN' altered books

Remember When

I've finally felt able to let these go, and will be putting them up for sale on Etsy shortly (once I've measured, weighed, calculated postage etc) and I have to say it's rather a bittersweet experience.


I've grown very fond of these two pieces, and am kind of loth to say goodbye to them... it's a bit like leaving your pets in a kennels, or you kid's first day at school... These art pieces are all grown up now, and about to make their way in the world. Wall hung, or on a stand... I've given both views...

So before they do go, I thought you might like to read the back stories - what inspired me to make these pieces.

Remember When...

The title of the sheet music is 'What Would I Do Without You?' and this is what inspired me to create this piece.

I already had the two vintage photographs of a man and a woman, and the wedding picture is from a copyright-free source, printed using archival inks and archival quality photo paper.

This altered art piece tells the story of these two meeting and falling in love - and then the bride on her wedding day, remembering the day they first met.

The background music for this piece is 'As Time Goes By' (Casablanca) and 'Love Is The Sweetest Thing' (Al Bowley).


The Victorian photograph of the little girl inspired me to create this piece: she told me her name was Queenie (named after Queen Victoria, no less!) and she urged me to hunt for her Mama and Papa.


I found Henry and Maud huddling together on a stall in Portobello Road's antique market. Being older, they were Cabinet Cards in the Vingnette style, and extremely well dressed - but very worried about Queenie, as they couldn't find her!

So I was very pleased to be able to reunite this little family, and have surrounded them with all their favourite things so that they'll be hapy living in their new home.

The background music for this piece is 'Serenade for the Doll' (Debussy) and 'Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy' (Tchaikovsky).

I hope you enjoyed looking at these.
