Testing the new LIVE WRITER


This is the picture I give details about in Pic 3, below (that screenshot shows me working on this one…

As you know, folks, I keep having another go with LiveWriter – the layout has changed again (or maybe it looks different because I’m now using Windows7).


Using the drop shadow

I have to say I like it more and more, and really must start using it as a regular thing (I’m just so used to going straight into Blogger). So this is a little bit of a tutorial as well – I’m using my screen capture programme to show you my progress as I write this post.

This one uses a thick black frame effect

As you can see, I applied a reflection effect, a watermark, enlarged the picture to the size I wanted, and positioned it exactly where I want it!

I’ve entered the captions below the pix by centring the text and reducing the size to 10pt.


For this one, I’ve chose rounded corners

And now I’m going to investigate that other tab…


A thin outline

I think you’ll agree it’s all pretty simple and straightforward.

In addition to images and videos, you can even add picture folders – little galleries – and tables.

Finally – don’t forget to add tags to your post (‘labels’ in Blogger):


No border

Yes, I think LiveWriter has really become a really helpful tool for making writing your blog a lot easier.
