A small canvas I finally found the time to finish.

They always say things go in threes.... and right now I'm working on THREE massive blog makeovers. Call me Mrs Simultaneous.

Mind you, it's left me very little time to do or think about anything else. Here's what I've been up to:

Ms Skull N Roses - this is an online jewellery store, selling fabulous high-end sterling silver jewellery (with and without gemstones). Bang on trend - this goth look is highly fashionable at the minute, and the detail in the jewellery is just amazing. I took my inspiration from the Pre Raphaelites: Burne-Jones, Millais, Waterhouse, Rosetti... and deep, deep red roses.

I am A Mother Seeking - not just a Mom site, Meredith is a specialist in child education and development, and has also published a book!  The travel theme for her blog is representative of her journey through life and all its highs and lows. Plus she has the most stunningly photogenic kids! I found the maps in the 15th Century - all hand drawn, hand coloured, and made my own from around 8 of them.

Mixed Media with Oxana - a fabulous mixed media artist, the blog uses all of Oxana's own artwork for the header, the buttons etc. Oxana is Russian, living in Norway, and writes her blog in all three languages (English as well). Her work is a stunning mix of vintage, paint, collage - and for sale on her Etsy shop.

All of these have been big projects and I'm enjoying myself enormously! Yaaay for my new Speedy Gonzales computer!

Lst but not least, I'm teaching an art class tomorrow!
