Sometimes, you want to add a lot of images in a block – but you also want people to be able to click on each one independently, so that they can bring up a larger image. And not want to have to write a lot of code.
Copyright-free image Tack-o-Rama
The answer is to put those images in a gallery or a table, and here I am using LiveWriter as the simplest method.
Adding a Gallery

Here’s the Gallery view I chose:
I’m not so sure about this ‘download all’ option – so make sure you have copyright signs on those you are worried about. Having said that, there are so great choices in gallery designs, to give your blog an uplift.
You can create a table instead….
Click on the Insert tab, then Table.

While in picture view you can still edit your image: change colour, size, add a frame etc, add a copyright… I always add the picture first, then change the size (top left on the toolbar – mine add as Small, so I change that to Medium) then set position (top right) if you want text to wrap, etc.

I originally chose 3 columns (3 pictures going across the table) and 4 rows, for a total of 12 pictures. I then changed my mind (pic below) and removed two rows, so I now have 3 columns x 2 rows = 6 pictures.

How many pictures you can include in a table depends on the width of your posting area, so you can check this by going into your blog:
Design > Template Designer > Adjust WidthsNothing is permanent until you click ‘Apply to Blog’, so check via the Preview before you save anything, in case you knock out your blog design altogether. I keep saying it, but it really is a good idea to download a copy of your blog before you start messing around in Template Designer. It will keep your background design and header, but any customisations like a signature, numbered comments etc, entered into the html, will all be overwritten if you press the wrong button by accident.
In tables, you have a much narrow choice of appearance although you can still customise (add borders, change colours etc) so it’s up to you how fancy you want your table to look. Pictures or text will appear in regular intervals, unlike the Gallery views, where they are very varied (layered, fanned out etc).
I’ve chosen 650pixels wide, 3 columns and 2 rows, so I have space for 6 pictures. I’ve also added a 3pixel border. Notice how the columns have adjusted to accommodate the width of the images I chose.
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So what’s the verdict? MAGIC! This is so easy, it’s unbelievable…
Finally, if you are really unsure how it’s going to look – or you want to add a link later, you can post the draft to your blog, then go in and edit in Blogger as you normally would.
So now I have the option of lots of little pix, a scrollable gallery or putting in really big images – and choice on how they appear. Live Writer has come a long long way.
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