Radiographer - copyright PUPARO
Dearie me - as if I'm not suffering enough with Blogger - I now can't even leave a comment ON MY OWN BLOG!

Yes, you read it right - not only do I have to sign in every time, but I also have to click Google ID - then any comment disappears - and now it's happening on my own blog as well. So I can't even reply to you, if you've left a comment for me (unless you have an email address listed somewhere). So I do apologise if you think I'm ignoring you!

This really is too bad, and is tempting me to think about trying other blog formats again. Well, the UK has a public holiday on Friday (The Royal Wedding) and also Monday (May Bank Holiday) so I have some time to try and come up with a solution to it all.

It's enough to make me want to throw all my toys out the pram! As it is, I've stuck my head in a bucket instead.
