Copyright DaisyM at DeviantArt

Good news - just a very quick post to update you all ... the 'Older Posts' buttons or text that we have personalised now look to be working perfectly again. Which definitely beats having to change templates then lose all our tweaks.

And I actually managed to leave a comment today! So I'm hopeful that's back to normal as well.

So it looks like normal service is finally being resumed.

Copyright Thomas Krauss at Deviant Art
The bad news is: I still don't have my 'Follow' button at the top toolbar of the blog, or the 'New Post' button or the quick edit icon.

Problems loading pictures to your posts?

I've found that clicking on the upload photo is not working every time. Sometimes it does - and there's the picture on the blog post. Other times, it flashes and the picture disappears from the add picture folder, then reappears with the blue outline - and clicking a second time sometimes works ... or not.

If this is happening to you, try double-clicking on the image you want to add. I've found this works for me, and the picture goes straight into the blog post.

Hope this helps - you know I'll keep you updated!
