Totally in the pink - TIM HOLTZ pix!


Tim with the Blade Rubber Design Team - Sue on the far left, then me, Tim, Chris and Liz. Did you notice Tim had his hand on my shoulder! My little claim to fame - be still my beating heart etc, lol lol lol
In fact I'm so overcome I have my head on his shoulder. And he's STILL smiling. That man has the patience of a saint, seriously.
Me with Mario - who also has unfailing patience (and remembered me from last week at Birmingham, and said he liked my hair). A thousand blessings upon him. I so admire a man with taste, lol.  (Shame I don't look nicer - I wasn't ready for the shot. And in case you were asking, it's a Mickey Mouse Tshirt.)

Camera envy! O how I love this one!

Another shot of my wonderful new camera: metallic pink, and a rather nice muted raspberry at that. I already posted one pic of it, but I'm so pleased with my new toy that one is not enough! I can actually operate and was able to use the zoom lens (which is more than I can say for that last disaster).

1st shot of my Configuration Box - this is the one I started at the Tim Holtz gig last week, but didn't have time to completely finish
Closeup detail (yes, I actually managed to operate a zoom lens)
A 2nd zoom closeup shot, just to prove it wasn't a fluke
And a 3rd closeup (yes, now I'm just showing off)
And my box in all its glory again (different shot, just to prove I COULD, lol)

I finished my Configuration Box today, and these were the very first pictures I took with the new camera - lovely and sharp, no wobble. I amazed myself!
