Here are TWO fabulous tutorials for anyone who likes handmade Christmas decorations.

Copyright Sandy Babb at Quill Cottage blog
Copyright Sandy Babb at Quill Cottage blog
Copyright Sandy Babb at Quill Cottage blog
The first tutorial is by Sandy at Quill Cottage - so go there for full instructions (very detailed: lots of step by step photos, you can't go wrong!) Sandy has also posted a link to another tutorial (below)  which I've also listed here just in case you miss it...

Copyright Karoline at Cherished Vintage blog
Copyright Karoline at Cherished Vintage blog
This one is so easy I can't believe it! (although you have to have the kind of brain to think of these things first - which I don't, lol). By Karoline at Cherished Vintage, again there are great step-by-step photographs and it's a fabulous project. I can see this in transparency film, glitter papers....

I just ADORE Christmas, and everything about it! I put up our tree yesterday, so we get full benefit right through to 12th Night (6 January). Sigh....
