Lots of makeovers to show you!

Firstly, yet another blog - this is my personal diet journey. I've gone public, in the hope it keeps me to the straight and narrow (hysterical laughter) and I definitely need to do a header just as soon as I have some time...

Extra Portions
I heavily personalised this Template Designer layout, just to see how adaptable they are
 Sorry for not posting for a while... as usual, Life happens.

First, my old computer (6 years & counting) crashed yet again, despite the fact I nurse it like a baby... took me 3 days to reload everything... and then I did my back in. OK to walk, stand or lie down - but not OK when sitting (and getting up again). So only essential computer work got done.. FOUR (count 'em - four) makeovers in the last 10 days! And I feel I've done my best work yet.

Here they are:

Useless Beauty Designs

A blog for a fellow artist - who makes wonderful and unusual clothes
Maximum Embellishment
Stunning, magical... with a twinkly Fairy Wand cursor effect
Pinxton Craft Club
Purposely left a white background, as this client loves to swap her backgrounds around A LOT
Polymer Play Days
For the same client, again white, to take advantage of all those freebie backgrounds out there! With two signatures in the code, as this blog is shared by Helen and Cathryn

And some I made earlier, that you haven't yet seen:

This one shows one of the new Template Designer layouts
Linens and Laurels

Nancy then commissioned me to change her 3-col, 2 right-sidebar blog to a wide 2-col:

Which just goes to show what a difference a little tweaking makes! This wide 2-col format gives a lot of elbow room, so you can have really big photos.

I've noticed there is a definite trend towards white backgrounds - the secret is not to have things TOO minimal - you need lots of colour in there as well. And all the bells and whistles: email button, and/or blinkie, grab buttonnumbered comments, a great signature, post dividers... all these dress up a blog and are definitely noticeable - but without overwhelming the star of the show - the actual post!

Follow my tutorials to do it yourself - or call in an expert (me? check my shop on Etsy).
