The wonderfully kind and generous CC at Lace'n'Ribbon Roses has given me a Trendy Blog Award! 

So it's official, I have a trendy blog, lol lol lol.

Thanks so much CC, you're a star! And considering you had a terrible fall yesterday and fractured your pelvis, I'm amazed you could sit at a computer to send it to me. Which makes me feel doubly honoured.

In receiving this award, I have to promise to:
  • Post about the award in my blog.
  • List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs 
  • Share with them
  • Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button 
  • Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well
Here are my Top Ten blogs (in no particular order):
  1. Lori at Lori's Freebie List 
  2. Stephanie at Queen of Dreamz 
  3. Kate at The Kathryn Wheel
  4. Nancy at Linens & Laurels 
  5. Helga at Granny Art 
  6. Elizabeth at The Last Door Down The Hall 
  7. Jenny at The Artistic Stamper 
  8. Ashley at A Daily Dose of Dieting 
  9. Inka at Altered Arifacts 
  10. Jessica at Chronically Vintage
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