Well, I know I said I'd reorganise my blog(s) and the C drive (get rid of all old folders, back up stuff onto disc that I don't need, and then get it deleted off this poor old creaky computer). 

Yes, I have pretty much done a lot of it: the blogs are the next on the list to tackle.

I just gave the WordPress blog the chop (see Computery). What a relief!

I'm wondering whether to get rid of Extras, and just bring all the headers etc over to Blog-ology - or to leave them where they are. Does it make it easier to navigate? Any comments and suggestions gratefully received.

What I've also been doing are some blog makeovers - I totally love makeovers. I don't care if it's hair (got mine cut New Year's Eve) or clothes (I hit the Sales) or DIY (we're definitely shopping for wallpaper when the snow allows us out of the house). And I especially love doing blog makeovers because it's instant gratification!

For once, I did Before and After pix.

Here's June's Dezinaworld site before...

and after I got at it...

Do go and visit - June has collage sheets for sale, plus some freebies.

And here is June's Art Freebies site, which I also made over (just finished yesterday) which has lots of freebie vintage stuff to download.

I really like this one (if I do say so myself)!

I'll put up another makeover tomorrow.
