Happy Halloween to everyone! Hold onto your hats - today's a SCARY Pink Saturday.

Snuggle up by the fire....

Pictures copyright Kistune-Insomnia

Then visit Blonde Episodes - a brilliant new blog I just discovered. Beautifully written, lots of biographical detail on all our favourite film stars etc. Ever wondered what made the stabbing sound in the Psycho film? Did you know the Roosevelt hotel is haunted? Was Joan Crawford a Mommie Dearest? Go to Blonde Episodes and find out...

Don't look out that window!

There are witches, and zombies ...


and ghosts...

 Hey! I said GHOSTS!

and werewolves...

and changelings...

So close those windows, lock the door and stay inside! Make sure you shower Before Dark....

I'm running to the kitchen for protection!

  • Garlic
  • Pasta with extra garlic
  • Garlic bread
  • Garlic
  • Fly spray
  • Garlic
  • Religious icons
  • Garlic
  • Heavy silver candlestick
  • Garlic

Invite all your friends, have fun - bobbing for apples (or string them up if you don't want to get your outfit wet)...

Make sure everyone has plenty to eat, but make sure it contains GARLIC!

You don't want any unwanted visitors!

Even if they seem charming.

And don't accept unsolicited gifts from strangers...
Picture copyright Kistune-Insomnia

Just remember to hang garlic at the windows and doors and you should be fine!

Don't cry...

Straighten up those shoulders, and put your lipstick on.

Settle yourself down in front of the computer, and click the link to visit Beverly's blog How Sweet the Sound to read the rest of the NICE Pink Saturday posts.

I have deleted the links to Kitsune-Insomnia's pictures as there were so many hits (on mine and other sites) that she exceeded her bandwidth! They are now on my own Photobucket (Pro) account, so at least I'm not adding to the problem.

All copyright credit & kudos to Kitsune-Insomnia for these truly wonderful blinkies: The Wicked Queen (the witch from Snow White), the Haunted House, the living room scene with eyes, the Changeling.

All other pictures are Creative Commons and copyright-free sources.


  1. Wow ! That was great. Creepy but Great!!
    Thanks for the show

  2. Susie--you are so sweet! I was so excited to see a new post from you, and was pleasantly surprised to see you make reference to my blog! I am so thankful for you doing that! I am trying very hard to make my blog interesting, creative, and fun for all who check it out! I am so passionate about it right now. It is wonderful to be acknowledged by my peers. I love your post and need to do some pics with animation for my next post! Have a fabulously haunting Halloween! Kori xoxo

  3. Scariest of all!
    Happy Pink Saturday Susie.
    Enjoy the weekend.
    "My Post Here"

  4. You found some seriously creepy stuff Susie! That werewolf is grotesque, I LOVE him! The old film of the girls with the apple is fun too and the morphing girl is all you said it was. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Halloween!

  5. Oh my goodness that was pretty scary LOL Love the last witch she is just what Halloween is all about. Enjoyed my visit now to have some garlic LOL.

  6. Love the puppies!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Happy Halloween!
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. Wow, those are sooooo cool, that Witch is wild! Makes me want to carve one or make one in clay, your animation is awesome, Thanks for the Fright night!

  8. Hi Susie! LOVE your Halloween post! LOTS of fun!! Just finished breakfast and am about ready for Moving Day to start! Enjoy your Halloween weekend! ~tina

  9. This blog is unbelieveable, thanks for all the eye candy

  10. Fabulousness!!

  11. Hi Susie! What a fabulous post! You did such a great job with everything scary and ghoulish! Happy Halloween and Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Tristan Robin Blakeman1 November 2009 at 01:15

    wonderful wonderful wonderful!!

    that apple bobbing gif is the absolute best!

    Happy Happy Halloween!

  13. I can't remember when I have had so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch)1 November 2009 at 01:32

    Very spookie Pink Saturday post.
    :-) Happy Halloween...though it's almost over now.

  15. Nancy @ La Chambre Rose1 November 2009 at 01:35

    Hey there! I will have to check out this blog. I am a huge old movie buff. I caught that pink! Wouldn't it be the best to have that stove? Have a good one. I'm still adding stuff to my online store. I think I will surface for real in January.

  16. hahaha I love your Spooky Pink Saturday post! I especially Loved the Pink Oven tres chic! Happy Pink Saturday! Grace

  17. My Crafty Little Page1 November 2009 at 01:51

    Laughing, Susie - thanks for all the fun pictures and SCARY post. Do not take any apples from that last little witch...I'm just sayin'...LOL. A Merry Pink Halloween to you...Nancy

  18. OMG! fabulous is this!
    You have outdone us all today, Susie! thanks for the scaries...i think! lol!

  19. mythoughtsmyvoice1 November 2009 at 11:27

    Creepy! :-)My sister watches this zombie films (I don't know but most are about being virus infected and the like LOL) and uuggghhhh they're so slow but so many! And that old house/mansion - I don't think anybody would want to be alone there :-)


    (good to see you have fun for today Susie. I just read about what happened in your family the previous week.)

  20. What a great Halloween post! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  21. LADY JANE'S EMPORIUM1 November 2009 at 13:39

    Wowza Susie...I envy your talents! What you have posted gives me the chills,creepies AND smiles all at the same time! Love it!

  22. Happy belated Pink Saturday and Halloween!

    Wow! You got some pretty amazing graphics here.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  23. Oma Nijn's Country Huis2 November 2009 at 21:41

    oei,,oei,wat een enge post is dit.bij jou zit halloween er goed in.

    groetjes Oma Nijn

  24. Lynn@ The Vintage Nest3 November 2009 at 00:37

    ooooooh....susie that was good! that shower scene still scared me to death. :) Happy belated Pink Saturday.

  25. Country Wings in Phoenix3 November 2009 at 15:55

    Hi Susie!
    Had to stop in and say hi. Wanted to see what you have been up to. What new things you are creating for the holiday. I know you are a busy gal. You are on the run constantly. Please keep us posted.

    Stop by soon and say hello. I love it when you visit. Country hugs, Sherry

  26. {Bellamere Cottage}8 November 2009 at 18:16

    Hi Susie!

    Yikes..........CREEPY!....but soooo good!



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